Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Jeremy (6)

Jeremy only wanted to be a regular/harmless student like any other in his class. But Jeremy the wicked was very far from regular. He suffered from neglect at home and bullies at school. He was constantly rejected and he tried to ignore it but his peers would soon find out that they would “unleash a lion,” for he had had enough and he began changing.
I feel that “Jeremy” deals with Pathos because the video, for me, speaks louder than if you were to only listen to the song. Seeing everything in the video toyed with my emotions. Seeing that Jeremy wanted only to be loved and instead winds up the one who puts a bullet into his head to tell all of his classmates”Thank you. I hope you are happy now!”
Means to an end also fits because I feel the massage was to tell all “bullies” to be considerate of other people’s emotions. You never really know exactly how someone will react to you tormenting them. Domestic violence is not the answer!
Lastly, I believe that “Jeremy” should be categorized as Definition and Genus. I feel that Pearl Jam’s purpose was meant to put school bullying into a WHOLE different category. It rose to another level. Domestic violence in school is hurtful and dangerous. Jeremy showed that even though you think picking on someone may not be hurtful to you, but it could be the very incentive to ending their life!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Revised Writting (5)

In our rhetorical analysis about “V for Vendetta” I had my strengths and weaknesses. My strength was the fact that I actually understood V’s argument to the people of London. But on the other hand, my weaknesses were that I made simple grammar mistakes that hurt me. I should’ve taken a little bit more time to at least check my work one more time.

In my first paragraph I could’ve had a better thesis statement. A good thesis will sum up the skills and knowledge you have acquired. Also, my introduction paragraph should have paved the way more for my rhetorical triangle. I think that if I could’ve had a better thesis statement I could’ve fixed this problem.

In my second paragraph I should’ve explained Ethos and Pathos a lot more. I could’ve given a broader example of each of these types of persuasion. I also had a couple of grammar mistakes that should not have come into effect because they were so simple. I should’ve never missed them at all.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Intelligence (4)

Intelligence can be noticed simply by the ability to learn, understand or to deal with new or trying situations. You could possibly be intelligent in your own way. You may know a lot more about a subject that could be like German to another. Intelligence could also be noticed by the way you talk to your friends, or in front of a class. If they are more comfortable in using their wide vocabulary, they could be considered intelligent. Intelligence can also be determined according to test scores, or report cards, or even by being book smart. I have always found the more intelligent people of my class with a book in their hands.
Your ability to take matters in with an open minded a way of proving your intelligence. (Being able to accept constructive criticism) Making wise, sound decisions and being able to sustain yourself is a way of detecting smart. Intelligence is also believed to come with age/ or experience in a certain field. As you see intelligence can be determined in various ways. Do you fit into any of these categories?