Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Revised Writting (5)

In our rhetorical analysis about “V for Vendetta” I had my strengths and weaknesses. My strength was the fact that I actually understood V’s argument to the people of London. But on the other hand, my weaknesses were that I made simple grammar mistakes that hurt me. I should’ve taken a little bit more time to at least check my work one more time.

In my first paragraph I could’ve had a better thesis statement. A good thesis will sum up the skills and knowledge you have acquired. Also, my introduction paragraph should have paved the way more for my rhetorical triangle. I think that if I could’ve had a better thesis statement I could’ve fixed this problem.

In my second paragraph I should’ve explained Ethos and Pathos a lot more. I could’ve given a broader example of each of these types of persuasion. I also had a couple of grammar mistakes that should not have come into effect because they were so simple. I should’ve never missed them at all.

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