Monday, May 5, 2008

1.) The media is dangerous because it influences the minds of people around the world.

"Outfoxed." Wikipedia.Com. 5 May 2008

"About Outfoxed." Outfoxed.Org. 5 May 2008

Outfoxed" examines how media empires have been running a "race to the bottom" in television news. “Outfoxed” provides an in-depth look at Fox News and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking control of the public's right to know. Former Fox employees talk about how they were forced to push a "right-wing" point of view or risk their jobs. Right-wing- the political right, and the right are terms used in the spectrum of left-right politics; it has a broad variety of definitions. "Fair and Balanced", and argues that Fox News has been engaging in what amounts to consumer fraud. "Fair and balanced"- is a trademarked slogan used by the broadcasters of the Fox News Channel.
My biggest concern with Fox News is Mr. Bill O’Reilly. I do not agree with anything that he has to say. He is the type of man that if he has a point of view, no one could or will prove him wrong. He is very stubborn and he doesn’t care if he personally invited you on his show, if they start to but heads he will start screaming “Shut Up” and “Cut his mike”. He will also put words in peoples’ mouths, so to speak, and completely twist your words. I do not think Mr. O’Reilly is a “fair and balanced” reporter by any means.

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