Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Gloden Compass(12)

I felt that Philip Pullman’s intentention was to attack Christianity but until the end of the movie and an explanation of Mr. Hughes, did I understand that he was an atheist. Throughout the film he states “authority” and “our ancestors”. This is a clear statement referring to God and Adam and Eve. In past interviews he states, “I am all for the death of God" and "My books are about killing God.” “I've been flying under the radar, saying things that are far more subversive than anything poor old Harry Potter.”

I believe that an atheist’s point of view may seem absurd to Christians and this film definitely attempts to get rid of God. In one of the opening scenes of the film, Lord Asriel shows a group of council men a picture that he believes that “Dust” comes from a different world. (Heaven) Dust is defined as sin and it creates all the daemons in the film. The daemons represent the souls of their humans. Asriel believes that the daemons receive the Dust from the other world and this represents that God himself puts sin into us and because of this, he should be killed. I thought the movie itself was really entertaining but I do not agree with any of his beliefs. I thought it was interesting because of the extent of my imagination. I felt that the movie left me hanging but I would certainly watch it again.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Post 11

As my boyfriend and I went to last night’s celebration for the 2008 graduating class, it finally hit me that it will be me out on the stage next year. As chills ran down my spine, I couldn’t help but feel happy for our 2008 class. But more importantly I realized that we are officially seniors now. This summer is going to be one of the most important summers of my life because this will be the best chance I will have to sign for a college scholarship. I plan on getting a scholarship anywhere in the state. I’m now at the age where college coaches will be most interested in me. My team and I will be traveling to Beaumont, Texas next weekend to try and qualify for our national tournament latter this summer in Oklahoma. We will be playing on the very same fields where the Women’s College World Series is hosted. This summer we will also be traveling to Bolder, Colorado and we will be staying up there for a whole week. This summer is going to be a great experience all around and I hope to make spend every moment on the field.

I’m more than excited about next school year because it will be the most memorable year of high school. It will also be the most memorable year of softball because I believe we will finally have the talent to make and take State. If you haven’t already figured it out by now, softball is pretty much my whole life, and I plan to keep playing for 4 more years in college. And when I make it to college, I will study to become a coach. Softball will be apart of my life somehow in the near future.

Monday, May 5, 2008

1.) The media is dangerous because it influences the minds of people around the world.

"Outfoxed." Wikipedia.Com. 5 May 2008

"About Outfoxed." Outfoxed.Org. 5 May 2008

Outfoxed" examines how media empires have been running a "race to the bottom" in television news. “Outfoxed” provides an in-depth look at Fox News and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking control of the public's right to know. Former Fox employees talk about how they were forced to push a "right-wing" point of view or risk their jobs. Right-wing- the political right, and the right are terms used in the spectrum of left-right politics; it has a broad variety of definitions. "Fair and Balanced", and argues that Fox News has been engaging in what amounts to consumer fraud. "Fair and balanced"- is a trademarked slogan used by the broadcasters of the Fox News Channel.
My biggest concern with Fox News is Mr. Bill O’Reilly. I do not agree with anything that he has to say. He is the type of man that if he has a point of view, no one could or will prove him wrong. He is very stubborn and he doesn’t care if he personally invited you on his show, if they start to but heads he will start screaming “Shut Up” and “Cut his mike”. He will also put words in peoples’ mouths, so to speak, and completely twist your words. I do not think Mr. O’Reilly is a “fair and balanced” reporter by any means.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Free Write (9)

For my free write I decided to write about what was really bothering me over the past days. As you all know, the Lady Spartan Softball team lost out in the second round of playoffs and it is breaking my heart to think about it. My team and I are sad to see this great year go down the tubes so fast. Once again we have been so close to going to state and we just choke. We had such a young team this year and it really came down to who wanted it more and who could get the job done. This is very hard to accomplish with teammates that haven’t been in these situations before and are really inexperienced.

The whole season ended on a sort of trick play that we had reviewed all year but a sudden movement in the infielders made this an uncommon task. Our play failed and the runner on third just walked in with ease and our whole season blew up in front of our faces. That was the first step down the road to depression. I never lost faith but I could sense my teammates around me who had already crumbled! Being positive and a motivator is very rough on one person alone when your family refuses to obey your command and they completely shut down in front of your face. I was very disappointed in our performance and I understand that as a junior, I have a whole year left. We have things to fix, people to mature and things we will do very differently next year. My senior year I will not be satisfied until I get to state and come home with a ring!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Argumentative Essay (8)

Softball is a growing sport to all young women around the globe. As these players become to a certain age in competitive ball, they will be faced some serious impacts on their lives. Some players may even quit playing due to the devilish stereotype on all women athletes worldwide.

The stereotype states that all softball players are assumed to be lesbians! “All softball players are gay!” This is the stereotype that all softball players must live with everyday. Softball is the female version of baseball and therefore you may find some athletes a little less feminine then others. These players are the sparks to the engulfing flames of our stereotype. Even though this action can be proven true, others are trapped by the stereotype because we knowingly play with them. Our East Ascension softball team has players who have boyfriends who come to games and support their girls.

The stereotype that all softball players are lesbians can be proven false. Coaches Ralph and Karen Weekly, from the Lady Volunteers of Tennessee, are a happily married couple and have been working together now for their seventh season as Tennessee co-head coaches. The two coaches have been around the sport for more than twenty years. Mrs. Weekly played ball all throughout college and now is married. These two coaches have had very successful teams in the past and plan to make it back to the Women’s College World Series and try for the National Championship as they did in 2007. Ralph Weekly, as some other men, couldn’t be more proud of their daughter/ players and the strive off of their love for the game.

So, even though this stereotype may be true in some cases, not all players are lesbians. A lot of pain results from in this horrible saying because nine out of ten times it can be proven false. As players, we stick together and overcome it and just let the love of the game shine through. We rise above!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Inaudible Melodies (7)

The beauty of music is that it can be interpreted in many different ways. Jack Johnson’s music is just one of those examples. What is meant to be believed about “Inaudible Melodies” is that people are living their lives way too fast. Some people can get so caught up in what they are doing that they can’t even notice the simple pleasures of life slipping away. If we all just stop and enjoy each and everyday as it comes then we could catch the best parts of life.
I did a little research on Jack Johnson and what some people may not realize is that he is a filmmaker. Maybe Jack was so caught up in his filmmaking too seriously and he missed out on some important things in his life and he doesn’t want any of his fans to do the same. In the line, “You’re moving too fast, frames can’t catch you when you’re moving like that.” A camera couldn’t catch some people because they are moving so quickly. The frame wouldn’t work because the camera wouldn’t have anything to place in that section.
Jack chose oxymoron as a stylistic devise because “Inaudible Melodies” is an oxymoron itself. The word inaudible means incapable of being heard and the word melodies is an example of music or sound. Being incapable of hearing melodies of a song makes it an oxymoron. Hearing this song may make you understand it more clearly but you may not need sound to get a meaning across. “But in the long run we have found, silent films are full of sound, inaudibly free.”

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Jeremy (6)

Jeremy only wanted to be a regular/harmless student like any other in his class. But Jeremy the wicked was very far from regular. He suffered from neglect at home and bullies at school. He was constantly rejected and he tried to ignore it but his peers would soon find out that they would “unleash a lion,” for he had had enough and he began changing.
I feel that “Jeremy” deals with Pathos because the video, for me, speaks louder than if you were to only listen to the song. Seeing everything in the video toyed with my emotions. Seeing that Jeremy wanted only to be loved and instead winds up the one who puts a bullet into his head to tell all of his classmates”Thank you. I hope you are happy now!”
Means to an end also fits because I feel the massage was to tell all “bullies” to be considerate of other people’s emotions. You never really know exactly how someone will react to you tormenting them. Domestic violence is not the answer!
Lastly, I believe that “Jeremy” should be categorized as Definition and Genus. I feel that Pearl Jam’s purpose was meant to put school bullying into a WHOLE different category. It rose to another level. Domestic violence in school is hurtful and dangerous. Jeremy showed that even though you think picking on someone may not be hurtful to you, but it could be the very incentive to ending their life!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Revised Writting (5)

In our rhetorical analysis about “V for Vendetta” I had my strengths and weaknesses. My strength was the fact that I actually understood V’s argument to the people of London. But on the other hand, my weaknesses were that I made simple grammar mistakes that hurt me. I should’ve taken a little bit more time to at least check my work one more time.

In my first paragraph I could’ve had a better thesis statement. A good thesis will sum up the skills and knowledge you have acquired. Also, my introduction paragraph should have paved the way more for my rhetorical triangle. I think that if I could’ve had a better thesis statement I could’ve fixed this problem.

In my second paragraph I should’ve explained Ethos and Pathos a lot more. I could’ve given a broader example of each of these types of persuasion. I also had a couple of grammar mistakes that should not have come into effect because they were so simple. I should’ve never missed them at all.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Intelligence (4)

Intelligence can be noticed simply by the ability to learn, understand or to deal with new or trying situations. You could possibly be intelligent in your own way. You may know a lot more about a subject that could be like German to another. Intelligence could also be noticed by the way you talk to your friends, or in front of a class. If they are more comfortable in using their wide vocabulary, they could be considered intelligent. Intelligence can also be determined according to test scores, or report cards, or even by being book smart. I have always found the more intelligent people of my class with a book in their hands.
Your ability to take matters in with an open minded a way of proving your intelligence. (Being able to accept constructive criticism) Making wise, sound decisions and being able to sustain yourself is a way of detecting smart. Intelligence is also believed to come with age/ or experience in a certain field. As you see intelligence can be determined in various ways. Do you fit into any of these categories?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Truth, Knowledge & Belief (3)

Knowledge, truth and belief can all tie together so well but they have a slight difference to them. When these three come to mind, I have to think about my personal experiences with them. Knowledge can stretch from correlating with school to what I may know about God. I sometimes question my knowledge most of the time. Truth is a powerful word because it makes me think about my friends and family. “Can I really trust friends? How do I know if they are telling the truth? “But every time I think about belief, or what I believe in, religion comes to mind. Sometimes I question my beliefs. Some days I completely believe, but other days I seriously breakdown my faith. I ask myself “WHY? or COULD THAT REALLY HAPPEN? or WILL I EVER TRULY UNDERSTAND?”

Rhetorical Analysis (2)

Do you believe that there is something terrible wrong with your government??? Would you for your freedom or what you believed was right??? Well V believed that High Chancellor Adam Sutler was the start of it all. Chancellor engineered a bioterrorist attack on London’s community. This attack killed more than 100,000 people either by virus/bacteria that was purposefully released. ”Fear got the best of you and in your panic; you turned to the now High Chancellor Adam Sutler.” This silent fear of London’s society helped Chancellor Sutler and his government, (Norsefire), to rise up to power. “All he wanted in return was your silent, obedient consent.”

V is a freedom fighter seeking change while he also pursues his very own "vendetta". He does this by first approaching the London society. In V’s grim speech he tries to convince the people of London that he is just like him by identifying their similarities. (They are equal.) “Just like any bloke.” Pathos is used numerous times as V speaks out to London. He wants his audience to believe and side with him against Chancellor Sutler.

He pleads that he was in fact that he was the one who destroyed the Old Bailey the previous night. He mentions this action to the viewers who plan to not side with V. By destroying the Old Bailey, he places fear in the hearts of these people and tries to lastly convince them that Guy Fawkes wanted November the 5th to never ever be forgot!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

All About Me(1) name is Evan Elise Babin and I am a Junior @ East Ascension High School. I was born and raised in the great state of Louisiana. I have an awesome family of two parents, Russ and Debbie, and my brother, Austin. I am very fortunate to have such a wonderful family. We spend a lot of "quality time" together. I know I can always count on them to be there for me. My mom is a special Ed teacher and Deplessis Primary and my dad works at a Rubicon. My brother is 17 years old and he is a senior and Catholic High in Baton Rouge and he plans to pursue his dreams on BROADWAY!!! I am beyond proud of him and all he has achieved over his singing career. He was the lead in this past summer's musical All Shook Up.

Evan though my family is a huge part of my life, they are only half of the reason I wake up in the morning. Friends are pretty much just as important as family. Actually, I treat them as family. My two closest friends are Kirsten and Paige Held. They live in New Orleans and we play softball together. I can count on them to always answer my call when I need to talk and they know that they can always call me. We keep each other up on and off the field. I can’t say enough about these two. All three of us have dreams to become college athletes and maybe even higher than that. (Olympics) We always joke about maybe ending up at the same college and playing softball together and never loosing touch. I hope God will point all three of us in our right direction, and if it just so happens to be together than I will be more than happy.

God Bless and thank you for reading my blog,